


The animated adaptation of Junji Ito's manga "Uzumaki" is still in production.

Wit Studio's president in the United States revealed that the animated work "Vortex," adapted from Junji Ito's manga, is still in production and has not been abandoned as previously rumored.

Vortex tells the story of a cursed town called Black Vortex, where the townspeople one by one become obsessed with vortex-shaped patterns, as if a contagious disease is spreading. Some people die unexpectedly, their bodies twisted like a vortex, while others have their bodies spiraling like a vortex, and some have their hair growing and swirling like a vortex. No one knows the source and reason for the curse, but the atmosphere created by the unknown phenomena and collective panic is more emotionally infectious than the actual appearance of ghosts and spirits.

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