In the early 1990s, Japanese supernatural writer Hiroshi Kihara and Akira Nakayama collaborated to write a short story collection called "New Mimi-bukuro," which included 100 contemporary supernatural legends and events collected from various parts of Japan. It is said that after reading all 100 stories, one will definitely encounter a supernatural event, so the final "New Mimi-bukuro" that was published consisted of 99 stories. This series of works became popular upon its release, leading to the creation of the supernatural brand TV drama "Kaidan Shin Mimibukuro."
The drama premiered in February 2003, with each episode lasting about 5 minutes. It featured a strong lineup of directors including Takashi Shimizu, Norio Tsuruta, Ryuta Miyake, Yuta Yamaguchi, Ikue Iguchi, Akio Yoshida, and the original author. The cast included top stars from the film and television industry such as Maki Horikita, Mirei Kiritani, Naoto Takenaka, and Ken Osawa. By the end of 2012, the series had aired a total of 5 seasons, 4 special episodes, and 6 theatrical versions, becoming a long-lasting and popular supernatural drama series.
Kaidan Shin Mimibukuro Season 1 2003#
- Elevator
- School Trip
- Colleague
- Visitor
- Interview with Strange Tales
- Tape Recording
- Spilled Water
- Backward Person
- Third Examination Room (Part 1)
- Third Examination Room (Part 2)
- Forgotten Item
- Video Tape
- A Drop of Blood
- Enlightenment
- Waiting
- Behind the Shelf
- Pebble
- Sister's Room
- Train
- Lover